Thursday, March 21, 2013

F.E.A.R. Transmition 3:As War Fades

We are not interested in the possibility of defeat.
Not within the silence of a deserted ally,
Nor the clamor of a crowded street.
F.E.A.R. can not be vanquished, we can not be destroyed.
F.E.A.R. will rise up again and control the masses,
Take back the power and crush the insurgent hoard.
As war fades in to the distant memories of enlightened pigs and open wounds,
The rebels will begin to perish - one by one, it should.
Feel the fear of dying young, not ignore the chance to scream.
Lie awake at night in terror,
Admitting F.E.A.R. will return to glory
And the story of Rebels who set out to conquer will finish...
In blood.

F.E.A.R. Transmition 2:Trust

The rebels claim their brave new world is upon us.
Do not be fooled by the chicanery in which they lay their claim.
It is false, and their uprising will not succeed you will place your trust in F.E.A.R.
You must!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

F.E.A.R. Transmitation 1:Stay Close

We Expect a battle for humanity is about to begin, 
Within each uprising, a vague sense of stafety will ignite you in an unseen
Shadow without a slither of a doubt, towards those who protect and defend
Let the thoughts slip away, and remain calm.
Stay close to F.E.A.R.
Only we can protect.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Steal Your Flame

“Sometimes in life you feel
the weight of the world
it can push you down 
and make you fear it.
It can cause stress and pain 
but in those moments
rememeber all that you have done in your life 
and what great things you can do in the future
the feeling of burden may not subside
but the fire you carry in your heart 
will burn stronger than ever
when you live through it.
Never let anyone steal your flame.”

-Andy Biersack